New Mexico backs Texas in opposing nuclear fuel storage

Top Democrat officials in New Mexico can agree with Texas Republicans on some things, and recently, the opposition to high-level nuclear waste storage in the two states is united members of both parties. Leaders in New Mexico are in agreement with Texas that the interim storage of high-level nuclear waste is illegal and a federal government overreach. 

It seems that the federal government is having its decision driven by a handful of people who believe this is a great economic opportunity, despite the fact that it’s never been done before and the companies in charge of the plans have a history of economic failure. 

Leaders in both states oppose the plans by Holtec and Interim Storage Partners. New Mexico has already sued the federal government and Texas is looking to do the same. There is no permanent solution to America’s nuclear waste problem, and leaders fear that this interim storage facility will become permanent when the federal government decides the problem is solved. 

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